Never fear, Lizzie's here!
I have been thinking about blogging all this week but to be honest, I didn't have anything even mildly tittilating or gossip-worthy to write about. I still don't, in fact, but seeing as it's my last day, I thought I should share.Now, I've been in Japan for 9 months (cripes!) and my initial impressions have given way to more concrete judgments. So, I thought it was about time I again tried the things (well, food and drink mainly) which I instantly dismissed as being foul in taste, texture and colour.
Number one, Calpis. Tried on my first night in Tokyo. Really wasn't too sure. It's still rather strange, sweet and milky tasting. Kinda like if you took some cheap milky-buttery sweets and dissolved them in a gallon of water. It also says on the side of the bottle, I quote, "refresh and happy", which is kind of odd as I don't see milk or sweets as thirst-quenching in any way shape or form.
Number two, ume-boshi. Hated them at first but now I appreciate their eye-watering tanginess. Kinda like those sweets that were so sour they used to make your eyes water. Anyway, I find them quite palatable now in onigiri form. No more sweet comparisons either, I promise.
Number three, natto. I'm ashamed to say I have failed the natto challenge. I developed PTSD after my last encounter. And it smells like poo. And it made my tongue itchy. And it's getting near the end of the month so I'm not allowing myself to indulge in frivolities such as natto-eating challenges and going out for dinner every night (only 4 nights so far this week).
Number four, goya. For something that looks like a knobbly cucumber, the astoundingly bitter flavour quite belies its innocent appearance. I haven't seen it anywhere outside of Okinawa but according to the JETs down there, you grow quite used to the taste and, would you believe it, actually start to crave it after a while.
Number five, sashimi. I love sashimi. In my tummy. Yum yum yum.
It makes me wonder if we have things in our countries that foreginers just can't stand. I know marmite / vegemite's a pretty common one, but the indigenous peoples are divided on that one anyway, so it doesn't really count.
I do remember meeting a couple of Italians on holiday once though who we persuaded to have an English breakfast. They weren't sure about it at all and sniffed all the food, ESPECIALLY the baked beans. Us Brits though, we can't can't get enough of 'em. Beans on toast? Bloody marvellous guvnor!! Gimme some brown sauce and grated cheddar and I'm in paradise. I honestly haven't met a Brit who didn't like them. In fact, we love 'em so much, one company decided to put them on pizza........much to the disgust of the Italians, I'm sure. Mama mia!! Fagioli!!